Fighting Against Candida on a Diet

The candida treatment costs also in a diet treatment. This diet costs in eliminating foodstuffs that contribute to the candida problem. There are various foods that contribute to this medical problem. To identify these foods we must take this diet. We can either eliminate completely the food that we think it is responsible for the problem or just remove it for a time from our diet to see if it is the cause.

This diet is a guide line for those who have this problem for the first time. If you have severe symptoms you better go see a specialist. If your symptoms are not so severe you can try this diet for three months to see if it works.

First step is an elimination one: sugar must be eliminated from your diet. This means that all foods that include sugar must be cleared from your diet: cakes, sweets, jams, sodas, fruit, fruit sugars, and this includes fruit juices, and honey. After twelve weeks you can gradually introduce them back in to your diet, of course, being very careful.

Other foods must be eliminated also: processed foods - white flour products; simple carbohydrates as potatoes, chips, crisps, crackers; fungal products: mushrooms and cheeses, fermented products: bread, alcohol, soy sauce, vinegar.

The next step costs in detoxifying your body. Water is one of your solutions. In the morning you can drink a glass of hot water or lemon juice (even if it has sugar in it). Also if you want to detoxify your body you must eat a lot of salads that must contain raw salad vegetables such as celery, peppers etc. There are also some vegetables that inhibit the growth of Candida: raw garlic, onions, cabbage, broccoli, turnip, kale. Of course you must have some proteins in your diet. You can get those from fish and fowl. You must cut of for three or four weeks red meat because it hurts your digestive system that is very weak. The mode that you eat also can help: eat several times a day, in small meals, and of course, do not forget that digestion starts in your mouth, so chew your food very well. To help your digestion you can add digestive enzymes.

The third step includes repopulating your intestines: once you got reed of your problem, you must re populate your flora. How? By using probiotic (pro-life) bacterial flora. Also use natural no sugar yoghurt to help repopulate intestines. A mixture of yoghurt and two tablespoons of linseed can be a good way to start the day. Some dietary practitioners think the linseed can help 'scrape' the sticky residue from processed foods from the intestinal walls.

The final step costs in re-introducing your foods back in to your diet making sure that your sugar is at minimum. This must be done gradually, one food per week. Of course if you see that one food is not digested properly stop using it.